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RNG Studio is a white-label game company, specifically targetted at building games to help NFT communities build revenue. Our first game, FLIP. Enables communities to add a PVP Flipping game on their website to generate revenue using Solana.


The first release from RNG Studio. Flip is a PVP based Flip game where players are matched up based on their bet. The house takes a fee determined by the customer.


  • Multiple demoninations to bet
  • Entirely blockchain based on Solana (no backend required)
  • PVP Matchmaking (Shared between all flip games)
  • % Per bet to customer
  • No need for a house wallet
  • Client fully customizable

Road Rugger

Road Rugger uses RNG Studio's Flip technology to create a PVP coin flip game. The game was adjusted to have a look and feel of a race rather then a generic flip.

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Coming Soon

Currently under development, A coin flip based casino which may extend the flip game to support more then 1 flipper for pool winings.

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